Part 1: Social Media Data

Workshop: Social Media, Data Analysis, & Cartograpy, WS 2024/25

Alexander Dunkel
Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Transformative Capacities & Research Data Centre & Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Cartography

No description has been provided for this image

No description has been provided for this image No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image

Last updated: Jan-12-2025

1. Link the workshop environment centrally from the project folder at ZIH:

Select the cell below and click CTRL+ENTER to run the cell. Once the * (left of the cell) turns into a number (1), the process is finished.

In [1]:
!cd .. && sh
Installed kernelspec intro_env in /home/h5/s7398234/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/intro_env
Installed kernelspec hll_env in /home/h5/s7398234/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/hll_env
Installed kernelspec tagmaps_env in /home/h5/s7398234/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/tagmaps_env
Installed kernelspec topics_env in /home/h5/s7398234/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/topics_env

This is the first notebook in a series of four notebooks:

  1. Introduction to Social Media data, jupyter and python spatial visualizations
  2. Introduction to privacy issues with Social Media data and possible solutions for cartographers
  3. Specific visualization techniques example: TagMaps clustering
  4. Specific data analysis: Topic Classification

Open these notebooks through the file explorer on the left side.

If you haven't worked with jupyter, these are some tips:
  • Jupyter Lab allows to interactively execute and write annotated code
  • There are two types of cells: Markdown cells contain only text (annotations), Code cells contain only python code
  • Cells can be executed by SHIFT+Enter
  • The output will appear below
  • States of python will be kept in-between code cells: This means that a value assigned to a variable in one cell remains available afterwards
  • This is accomplished with IPython, an interactive version of python
  • Important: The order in which cells are executed does not have to be linear. It is possible to execute any cell in any order. Any code in the cell will use the current "state" of all other variables. This also allows you to update variables.
Some links
This python environment is prepared for spatial data processing/ cartography.
The following is a list of the most important packages, with references to documentation: We will explore some functionality of these packages in this workshop.
If you want to run these notebooks at home, try the IfK Jupyter Docker Container, which includes the same packages.


We are creating several output graphics and temporary files.

These will be stored in the subfolder notebooks/out/.

In [3]:
from pathlib import Path

OUTPUT = Path.cwd() / "out"
Syntax: pathlib.Path() / "out" ? Python pathlib provides a convenient, OS independend access to local filesystems. These paths work independently of the OS used (e.g. Windows or Linux). Path.cwd() gets the current directory, where the notebook is running. See the docs..

To reduce the code shown in this notebook, some helper methods are made available in a separate file.

Load helper module from ../py/module/

In [4]:
import sys

module_path = str(Path.cwd().parents[0] / "py")
if module_path not in sys.path:
from modules import tools

Activate autoreload of changed python files:

In [3]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Introduction: VGI and Social Media Data

Broadly speaking, GI and User Generated Content can be classified in the following three categories of data:

  • Authoritative data that follows objective criteria of measurement such as Remote Sensing, Land-Use, Soil data etc.
  • Explicitly volunteered data, such as OpenStreetMap or Wikipedia. This is typically collected by many people, who collaboratively work on a common goal and follow more or less specific contribution guidelines.
  • Subjective information sources
    • Explicit: e.g. Surveys, Opinions etc.
    • Implicit: e.g. Social Media

Social Media data belongs to the third category of subjective information, representing certain views held by groups of people. The difference to Surveys is that there is no interaction needed between those who analyze the data and those who share the data online, e.g. as part of their daily communication.

Social Media data is used in marketing, but it is also increasingly important for understanding people's behaviour, subjective values, and human-environment interaction, e.g. in citizen science and landscape & urban planning.

In this notebook, we will explore basic routines how Social Media and VGI can be accessed through APIs and visualized in python.

Social Media APIs

  • Social Media data can be accessed through public APIs.
  • This will typically only include data that is explicitly made public by users.
  • Social Media APIs exist for most networks, e.g. Flickr, Twitter, or Instagram
Privacy? We'll discuss legal, ethical and privacy issues with Social Media data in the second notebook: 02_hll_intro.ipynb

Instagram Example

  • Retrieving data from APIs requires a specific syntax that is different for each service.
  • commonly, there is an endpoint (a url) that returns data in a structured format (e.g. json)
  • most APIs require you to authenticate, but not all (e.g. Instagram,
But the Instagram API was discontinued!
  • Instagram discontinued their official API in October 2018. However, their Web-API is still available, and can be accessed even without authentication.
  • One rationale is that users not signed in to Instagram can have "a peek" at images, which provides significant attraction to join the network.
  • We'll discuss questions of privacy and ethics in the second notebook.

Load Instagram data for a specific Location ID. Get the location ID from a search on Instagram first.

In [4]:
location_id = "1893214" # "Großer Garten" Location
query_url = f'{location_id}&show_nearby=false'
Syntax: f'{}' ? This is called an f-string, a convenient python convention to concat strings and variables.

First, try to get the json-data without login. This may or may not work:

In [5]:
import requests

json_text = None
response = requests.get(
    url=query_url, headers=tools.HEADER)
In [6]:
if response.status_code == 429 \
    or "/login/" in response.url \
    or '"status":"fail"' in response.text \
    or '<!DOCTYPE html>' in response.text:
    print(f"Loading live json failed: {response.text[:250]}")
    json_text = response.text
    # write to temporary file
    with open(OUTPUT / f"live_{location_id}.json", 'w') as f:
    print("Loaded live json")
Loaded live json
If the the url refers to the "login" page (or status_code 429), access is blocked. In this case, you can open the link using your browser and Instagram-Account to manually download the json and store it in Jupyter (left side) in our/sample.json. If such a file exists, it will be loaded:
In [7]:
if not json_text:
    # check if manual json exists
    local_json = [json for json in OUTPUT.glob('*.json')]
    if len(local_json) > 0:
        # read local json
        with open(local_json[0], 'r') as f:
            json_text =
        print("Loaded local json")
Syntax: [x for x in y] ? This is called a list comprehension, a convenient python convention to to create lists (from e.g. generators etc.).

Otherwise, if neither live nor local json has been loaded, load sample json from archive:

In [8]:
if not json_text:
    sample_url = tools.get_sample_url()
    sample_json_url = f'{sample_url}/download?path=%2F&files=1893214.json'
    response = requests.get(url=sample_json_url)
    json_text = response.text
    print("Loaded sample json")

Turn text into json format:

In [9]:
import json
json_data = json.loads(json_text)

Have a peek at the returned data.

We can use json.dumps for this and limit the output to the first 550 characters [0:550].

In [10]:
print(json.dumps(json_data, indent=2)[0:550])
  "logging_page_id": "locationPage_1893214",
  "show_qr_modal": false,
  "native_location_data": {
    "location_info": {
      "category": "Park",
      "facebook_places_id": "119533068103485",
      "has_menu": false,
      "lat": 51.03710467,
      "lng": 13.76309049,
      "location_address": "Hauptallee 10",
      "location_city": "Dresden, Germany",
      "location_id": "1893214",
      "location_region": 0,
      "location_zip": "01219",
      "media_count": 44668,
      "name": "Gro\u00dfer Garten",
      "phone": "+49 351 4456600",

The json data is nested. Values can be accessed with dictionary keys.

In [11]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML

total_cnt = json_data["native_location_data"]["location_info"].get("media_count")

    f'''<details><summary>Working with the JSON Format</summary>
    The json data is nested. Values can be accessed with dictionary keys. <br>For example,
    for the location <strong>{location_id}</strong>, 
    the total count of available images on Instagram is <strong>{total_cnt:,.0f}</strong>.
Working with the JSON Format The json data is nested. Values can be accessed with dictionary keys.
For example, for the location 1893214, the total count of available images on Instagram is 44,668.

You can find the media under:

In [12]:
for ix in range(1, 5):
"{'media': {'taken_at': 1729615159, 'pk': '3484586977019552224', 'id': '3484586977019552224_469159608"
"{'media': {'taken_at': 1724612387, 'pk': '3442620680760439274', 'id': '3442620680760439274_222121048"
"{'media': {'taken_at': 1722287612, 'pk': '3423119055353173344', 'id': '3423119055353173344_927107693"
"{'media': {'taken_at': 1711867244, 'pk': '3335706676986821228', 'id': '3335706676986821228_198536967"

Where [ix] is a pointer to a list of three media per row. Below, we loop through these lists and combine them to a single dataframe.

Dataframes are a flexible data analytics interface that is available with pandas.DataFrame(). Most tabular data can be turned into a dataframe.

Dataframe ? A pandas dataframe is the typical tabular data format used in python data science. Most data can be directly converted to a DataFrame.
In [13]:
import pandas as pd

df = None
# loop through media, skip first item
for data in json_data["native_location_data"]["ranked"]["sections"][1:]:
    df_new = pd.json_normalize(
        data, errors="ignore")
    if df is None:
        df = df_new
        df = pd.concat([df, df_new])


In [14]:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
layout_type media_grid media_grid media_grid media_grid media_grid media_grid media_grid media_grid
feed_type media media media media media media media media
layout_content.medias [{'media': {'taken_at': 1729615159, 'pk': '348... [{'media': {'taken_at': 1724612387, 'pk': '344... [{'media': {'taken_at': 1722287612, 'pk': '342... [{'media': {'taken_at': 1711867244, 'pk': '333... [{'media': {'taken_at': 1735200742, 'pk': '353... [{'media': {'taken_at': 1727029025, 'pk': '346... [{'media': {'taken_at': 1724482747, 'pk': '344... [{'media': {'taken_at': 1692730050, 'pk': '317...
explore_item_info.num_columns 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
explore_item_info.total_num_columns 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
explore_item_info.aspect_ratio 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
explore_item_info.autoplay False False False False False False False False

See an overview of all columns/attributes available at this json level:

In [15]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
display(HTML(f"<details><summary>Click</summary><code>{[col for col in df.columns]}</code></summary>"))
Click['layout_type', 'feed_type', 'layout_content.medias', 'explore_item_info.num_columns', 'explore_item_info.total_num_columns', 'explore_item_info.aspect_ratio', 'explore_item_info.autoplay']

We want to extract URLs of images, so that we can download images in python and display inside the notebook.

First, extract URLs of images:

In [16]:
url_list = []
for media_grid in df['layout_content.medias']:
    for media_row in media_grid:
        for media in media_row["media"]["image_versions2"]["candidates"]:
            url_list_new = []
            url = media["url"]

View the first few (15) images

First, define a function.

In [17]:
from typing import List
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
from io import BytesIO

def image_grid_fromurl(url_list: List[str]):
    """Load and show images in a grid from a list of urls"""
    count = len(url_list)
    plt.figure(figsize=(11, 18))
    for ix, url in enumerate(url_list[:15]):
        r = requests.get(url=url)
        i =
        resize = (150, 150)
        i = i.resize(resize)
        i = i.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
        plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.3, right=0.8, top=0.5)
        ax = plt.subplot(3, 5, ix + 1)

Use the function to display images from "node.display_url" column.

All images are public and available without Instagram login, but we still blur images a bit, as a precaution and a measure of privacy.

In [18]:
No description has been provided for this image

Creating Maps

  • Frequently, VGI and Social Media data contains references to locations such as places or coordinates.
  • Most often, spatial references will be available as latitude and logitude (decimal degrees and WGS1984 projection).
  • To demonstrate integration of data, we are now going to query another API,, to get a list of places near certain coordinates.
In [19]:
lat = 51.03711
lng = 13.76318

Get list of nearby places using's API:

In [20]:
query_url = f''
params = {
In [21]:
response = requests.get(
    url=query_url, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
    print(f"Query successful. Query url: {response.url}")
Query successful. Query url:
In [22]:
json_data = json.loads(response.text)
print(json.dumps(json_data, indent=2)[0:500])
  "batchcomplete": "",
  "query": {
    "geosearch": [
        "pageid": 114705842,
        "ns": 14,
        "title": "Category:S\u00fcdwestliche Br\u00fchlvase - Zeus als Stier",
        "lat": 51.03728,
        "lon": 13.76341,
        "dist": 24.8,
        "primary": ""
        "pageid": 114703308,
        "ns": 14,
        "title": "Category:Br\u00fchl-Vasen am Palaisteich",
        "lat": 51.037298,
        "lon": 13.763389,
        "dist": 25.5,

Get List of places.

In [23]:
location_dict = json_data["query"]["geosearch"]

Turn into DataFrame.

In [24]:
df = pd.DataFrame(location_dict)
pageid ns title lat lon dist primary
0 114705842 14 Category:Südwestliche Brühlvase - Zeus als Stier 51.037280 13.763410 24.8
1 114703308 14 Category:Brühl-Vasen am Palaisteich 51.037298 13.763389 25.5
2 4712421 14 Category:Großer Garten, Dresden 51.037500 13.763056 44.2
3 38409391 14 Category:Maps of Großer Garten, Dresden 51.037500 13.763056 44.2
4 4312703 14 Category:Palais im Großen Garten 51.037800 13.762800 81.2
In [25]:
(50, 7)

If we have queried 50 records, we have reached the limit specified in our query. There is likely more available, which would need to be queried using subsequent queries (e.g. by grid/bounding box). However, for the workshop, 50 locations are enough.

Modify data.: Replace "Category:" in column title.

  • Functions can be easily applied to subsets of records in DataFrames.
  • although it is tempting, do not iterate through records
  • dataframe vector-functions are almost always faster and more pythonic
In [26]:
df["title"] = df["title"].str.replace("Category:", "")

Turn DataFrame into a GeoDataFrame

GeoDataframe ? A geopandas GeoDataFrame is the spatial equivalent of a pandas dataframe. It supports all operations of DataFrames, plus spatial operations. A GeoDataFrame can be compared to a Shapefile in (e.g.), QGis.
In [27]:
import geopandas as gp
gdf = gp.GeoDataFrame(
    df, geometry=gp.points_from_xy(df.lon,

Set projection, reproject

Projections in Python
  • Most available spatial packages have more or less agreed on a standard format for handling projections in python.
  • The recommended way is to define projections using their epsg ids, which can be found using
  • Note that, sometimes, the projection-string refers to other providers, e.g. for Mollweide, it is "ESRI:54009"
In [28]:
CRS_PROJ = "epsg:3857" # Web Mercator
CRS_WGS = "epsg:4326" # WGS1984 = CRS_WGS # Set projection
gdf = gdf.to_crs(CRS_PROJ) # Project
In [29]:
pageid ns name lat lon dist primary geometry
0 114705842 14 Südwestliche Brühlvase - Zeus als Stier 51.037280 13.763410 24.8 POINT (1532135.793 6627890.774)
1 114703308 14 Brühl-Vasen am Palaisteich 51.037298 13.763389 25.5 POINT (1532133.455 6627893.961)
2 4712421 14 Großer Garten, Dresden 51.037500 13.763056 44.2 POINT (1532096.336 6627929.721)
3 38409391 14 Maps of Großer Garten, Dresden 51.037500 13.763056 44.2 POINT (1532096.336 6627929.721)
4 4312703 14 Palais im Großen Garten 51.037800 13.762800 81.2 POINT (1532067.888 6627982.831)

Display location on a map

  • Maplotlib and contextily provide one way to plot static maps.
  • we're going to show another, interactive map renderer afterwards

Import contextily, which provides static background tiles to be used in matplot-renderer.

In [30]:
import contextily as cx

1. Create a bounding box for the map

In [31]:
x = gdf.loc[0].geometry.x
y = gdf.loc[0].geometry.y

margin = 1000 # meters
bbox_bottomleft = (x - margin, y - margin)
bbox_topright = (x + margin, y + margin)
gdf.loc[0] ?
  • gdf.loc[0] is the loc-indexer from pandas. It means: access the first record of the (Geo)DataFrame.
  • .geometry.x is used to access the (projected) x coordinate geometry (point). This is only available for GeoDataFrame (geopandas)

2. Create point layer, annotate and plot.

  • With matplotlib, it is possible to adjust almost every pixel individual.
  • However, the more fine-tuning is needed, the more complex the plotting code will get.
  • In this case, it is better to define methods and functions, to structure and reuse code.
In [32]:
from matplotlib.patches import ArrowStyle
# create the point-layer
ax = gdf.plot(
    figsize=(10, 15),
# set display x and y limit
    bbox_bottomleft[0], bbox_topright[0])
    bbox_bottomleft[1], bbox_topright[1])
# turn of axes display
# add callouts 
# for the name of the places
for index, row in gdf.iterrows():
    # offset labels by odd/even
    label_offset_x = 30
    if (index % 2) == 0:
        label_offset_x = -100
    label_offset_y = -30
    if (index % 4) == 0:
        label_offset_y = 100
        text=row["name"].replace(' ', '\n'),
        xy=(row["geometry"].x, row["geometry"].y),
        xytext=(label_offset_x, label_offset_y),
        textcoords="offset points",
                "simple, head_length=2, head_width=2, tail_width=.2"), 
    ax, alpha=0.5,
No description has been provided for this image

There is space for some improvements:

  • Labels overlap. There is a package callec adjust_text that allows to reduce overlapping annotations in mpl automatically. This will take more time, however.
  • Line breaks after short words don't look good. Use the native textwrap function.
In [33]:
from adjustText import adjust_text
import textwrap

# create the point-layer
ax = gdf.plot(
    figsize=(15, 25),
# set display x and y limit
    bbox_bottomleft[0], bbox_topright[0])
    bbox_bottomleft[1], bbox_topright[1])
# turn of axes display
# add callouts 
# for the name of the places
texts = []
for index, row in gdf.iterrows():
                row["name"], 18, break_long_words=True)),
    texts, autoalign='y', ax=ax,
        arrowstyle="simple, head_length=2, head_width=2, tail_width=.2",
        color='black', lw=0.5, alpha=0.2, mutation_scale=4, 

    ax, alpha=0.5,
No description has been provided for this image

Have a look at the available basemaps:

In [34]:
dict_keys(['OpenStreetMap', 'MapTilesAPI', 'OpenSeaMap', 'OPNVKarte', 'OpenTopoMap', 'OpenRailwayMap', 'OpenFireMap', 'SafeCast', 'Stadia', 'Thunderforest', 'CyclOSM', 'Jawg', 'MapBox', 'MapTiler', 'TomTom', 'Esri', 'OpenWeatherMap', 'HERE', 'HEREv3', 'FreeMapSK', 'MtbMap', 'CartoDB', 'HikeBike', 'BasemapAT', 'nlmaps', 'NASAGIBS', 'NLS', 'JusticeMap', 'GeoportailFrance', 'OneMapSG', 'USGS', 'WaymarkedTrails', 'OpenAIP', 'OpenSnowMap', 'AzureMaps', 'SwissFederalGeoportal', 'Gaode', 'Strava', 'OrdnanceSurvey'])

And a look at the basemaps for a specific provider:

In [35]:
dict_keys(['Positron', 'PositronNoLabels', 'PositronOnlyLabels', 'DarkMatter', 'DarkMatterNoLabels', 'DarkMatterOnlyLabels', 'Voyager', 'VoyagerNoLabels', 'VoyagerOnlyLabels', 'VoyagerLabelsUnder'])

Interactive Maps

Plot with Holoviews/ Geoviews (Bokeh)

In [36]:
import holoviews as hv
import geoviews as gv
from cartopy import crs as ccrs
No description has been provided for this image No description has been provided for this image

Create point layer:

In [37]:
places_layer = gv.Points(
    kdims=['lon', 'lat'],
    vdims=['name', 'pageid'],

Make an additional query, to request pictures shown in the area from

In [38]:
query_url = f''
params = {
In [39]:
response = requests.get(
        url=query_url, params=params)
In [40]:
json_data = json.loads(response.text)
In [41]:
df_images = pd.DataFrame(json_data["query"]["geosearch"])
In [42]:
pageid ns title lat lon dist primary
0 71373919 6 File:Ready For Fall (229868743).jpeg 51.037090 13.763133 3.9
1 16826163 6 File:Dresden großer garten brühlsche vase süd ... 51.037218 13.763359 17.3
2 151507290 6 File:20240815.Palais im Großen Garten.-022.jpg 51.037265 13.763278 18.5
3 111729319 6 File:Ansicht des Palais im Großen Garten zu Dr... 51.036944 13.763333 21.3 NaN
4 58673825 6 File:Cygnus olor from Palaisteich 2014, Dresde... 51.037049 13.763498 23.2
  • Unfortunately, this didn't return any information for the pictures. We want to query the thumbnail-url, to show this on our map.
  • For this, we'll first set the pageid as the index (=the key),
  • and we use this key to update our Dataframe with thumbnail-urls, retrievd from an additional API call

Set Column-type as integer:

In [43]:
df_images["pageid"] = df_images["pageid"].astype(int)

Set the index to pageid:

In [44]:
df_images.set_index("pageid", inplace=True)
In [45]:
ns title lat lon dist primary
71373919 6 File:Ready For Fall (229868743).jpeg 51.037090 13.763133 3.9
16826163 6 File:Dresden großer garten brühlsche vase süd ... 51.037218 13.763359 17.3
151507290 6 File:20240815.Palais im Großen Garten.-022.jpg 51.037265 13.763278 18.5
111729319 6 File:Ansicht des Palais im Großen Garten zu Dr... 51.036944 13.763333 21.3 NaN
58673825 6 File:Cygnus olor from Palaisteich 2014, Dresde... 51.037049 13.763498 23.2

Load additional data from API: Place Image URLs

In [46]:
params = {

See the full list of available attributes.

Query the API for a random sample of 50 images:

In [47]:
from IPython.display import clear_output
from datetime import datetime

count = 0
df_images["userid"] = 0 # set default value
for pageid, row in df_images.sample(n=min(50, len(df_images))).iterrows():
    params["pageids"] = pageid
        response = requests.get(
            url=query_url, params=params)
    except OSError:
            "Connection error: Either try again or "
            "continue with limited number of items.")
    json_data = json.loads(response.text)
    image_json = json_data["query"]["pages"][str(pageid)]
    if not image_json:
    image_info = image_json.get("imageinfo")
    if image_info:
        thumb_url = image_info[0].get("thumburl")
        count += 1
        df_images.loc[pageid, "thumb_url"] = thumb_url
            f"Queried {count} image urls, "
            f"<a href='{response.url}'>last query-url</a>."))
        # assign additional attributes
        df_images.loc[pageid, "user"] = image_info[0].get("user")
        df_images.loc[pageid, "userid"] = image_info[0].get("userid")
        timestamp = pd.to_datetime(image_info[0].get("timestamp"))
        df_images.loc[pageid, "timestamp"] = timestamp
    df_images.loc[pageid, "title"] = image_json.get("title")
Queried 50 image urls, last query-url.
CPU times: user 701 ms, sys: 56.5 ms, total: 758 ms
Wall time: 10.7 s
Connection error ? The Jupyter Hub @ ZIH is behind a proxy. Sometimes, connections will get reset. In this case, either execute the cell again or continue with the limited number of items retrieved so far.
%%time ? IPython has a number of built-in "magics", and %%time is one of them. It will output the total execution time of a cell.
  • We have only queried 50 of our 100 images for urls.
  • To view only the subset of records with urls, use boolean indexing
In [48]:
    df_images["userid"] != 0].head()
ns title lat lon dist primary userid thumb_url user timestamp
58929408 6 File:Birds of Großer Garten, Dresden (2021).jpg 51.037289 13.763383 24.4 4153868 Panoramio upload bot 2017-05-15 16:48:49+00:00
57846048 6 File:Cygnus olor from Palaisteich 2014, Dresde... 51.037394 13.763498 38.6 4153868 Panoramio upload bot 2017-04-09 12:38:56+00:00
82468116 6 File:20060710030DR Dresden Palais im Großen Ga... 51.037550 13.763550 55.3 6350410 Jörg Blobelt 2019-09-23 19:46:54+00:00
57928871 6 File:Cygnus olor from Palaisteich 2014, Dresde... 51.037540 13.763627 57.1 4153868 Panoramio upload bot 2017-04-11 15:31:14+00:00
55291324 6 File:Palais im Großen Garten (2).jpg 51.037561 13.763581 57.5 4153868 Panoramio upload bot 2017-01-24 00:10:22+00:00
  • What happens here in the background is that df_images["userid"] != 0 returns True for all records where "iserid" is not 0 (the default value).
  • In the second step, this is used to slice records using the boolean indexing: df_images[Condition=True]

Next (optional) step: Save queried data to CSV

  • dataframes can be easily saved (and loaded) to (from) CSV using pd.DataFrame.to_csv()
  • there's also pd.DataFrame.to_pickle()
  • a general recommendation is to use to_csv() for archive purposes ..
  • ..and to_pickle() for intermediate, temporary files stored and loaded to/from disk
In [49]:
df_images[df_images["userid"] != 0].to_csv(
    OUTPUT / "wikimedia_commons_sample.csv")

Create two point layers, one for images with url and one for those without:

In [50]:
images_layer_thumbs = gv.Points(
    kdims=['lon', 'lat'],
    vdims=['thumb_url', 'user', 'timestamp', 'title'],
    label='Picture (with thumbnail)') 
images_layer_nothumbs = gv.Points(
    kdims=['lon', 'lat'],
In [51]:
margin = 500 # meters
bbox_bottomleft = (x - margin, y - margin)
bbox_topright = (x + margin, y + margin)
In [52]:
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from typing import Dict, Optional
def get_custom_tooltips(
        items: Dict[str, str], thumbs_col: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
    """Compile HoverTool tooltip formatting with items to show on hover
    including showing a thumbail image from a url"""
    tooltips = ""
    if items:
        tooltips = "".join(
            f'<div><span style="font-size: 12px;">'
            f'<span style="color: #82C3EA;">{item}:</span> '
            f'</span></div>' for item in items)
    tooltips += f'''
        <div><img src="@{thumbs_col}" alt="" style="height:170px"></img></div>
    return tooltips
In [53]:
def set_active_tool(plot, element):
    """Enable wheel_zoom in bokeh plot by default"""
    plot.state.toolbar.active_scroll =[0]

# prepare custom HoverTool
tooltips = get_custom_tooltips(
    thumbs_col='thumb_url', items=['title', 'user', 'timestamp'])
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips) 
gv_layers = hv.Overlay(
    gv.tile_sources.EsriImagery * \
        fill_color='red') * \
        fill_color='lightblue') * \

Display map

In [54]:
layer_options = {
    "title":df.loc[0, "name"],
    "xlim":(bbox_bottomleft[0], bbox_topright[0]),
    "ylim":(bbox_bottomleft[1], bbox_topright[1]),
    "data_aspect":0.45, # maintain fixed aspect ratio during responsive resize
In [55]:

Store map as static HTML file

Unset data_aspect and store standalone HTML file that automatically resizes to full height of browser:

In [56]:
layer_options["data_aspect"] = None
    gv_layers.opts(**layer_options), OUTPUT / f'geoviews_map.html', backend='bokeh')

Create Notebook HTML

  • For archive purposes, we can convert the entire notebook, including interactive maps and graphics, to an HTML file.
  • The command is invoked through the exclamation mark (!), which means: instead of python, use the command line.


  • Create a single HTML file in ./out/ folder
  • disable logging, except errors (>&- 2>&-)
  • use nbconvert template
In [2]:
!jupyter nbconvert --to html_toc \
    --output-dir=./out/ ./01_raw_intro.ipynb \
    --template=../nbconvert.tpl \
    --ExtractOutputPreprocessor.enabled=False   >&- 2>&- # create single output file



  • 2021 Workshop: Multigrid display was contributed by Silke Bruns (MA), many thanks!
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.3, right=0.8, top=0.5)
ax = plt.subplot(3, 5, ix + 1)
In [5]:
root_packages = [
    'python', 'adjusttext', 'contextily', 'geoviews', 'holoviews', 'ipywidgets',
    'ipyleaflet', 'geopandas', 'cartopy', 'matplotlib', 'shapely',
    'bokeh', 'fiona', 'pyproj', 'ipython', 'numpy']
List of package versions used in this notebook
package python Cartopy adjustText bokeh contextily fiona geopandas geoviews holoviews ipyleaflet
version 3.10.13 0.22.0 0.7.3 2.4.3 1.5.0 1.9.5 0.12.2 1.9.5 1.14.8 0.18.1
package ipython ipywidgets matplotlib numpy pyproj shapely
version 8.20.0 8.1.1 3.8.2 1.22.4 3.6.1 2.0.2
In [ ]:

IOER RDC Jupyter Base Template v0.10.0