Temporal chi visualization: Milvus milvus & Aves (iNaturalist) ¶
Alexander Dunkel, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development,
Transformative Capacities & Research Data Centre (IÖR-FDZ)
Dunkel, A., Burghardt, D. (2024). Assessing perceived landscape change from opportunistic spatio-temporal occurrence data. Land 2024
Chi visualization of temporal patterns for ephemeral events. This notebook builds upon a a previous notebook.
The chi equation requires a specific query (such as all photographs of the Red Kite - Milvus milvus - in Europe from iNaturalist) and a generic query to correct for system-wide sampling effects (such as growing number of iNaturalist contributors). However, different user groups follow different distribution patterns over time and space on geosocial media, which means that it is not easy to select a suitable generic query. Rapacciuolo et al. (2021) emphasize that comparison should be based on user selections from umbrella groups. Here, we explore whether using Chi for Milvus mulvus photographers compared to the umbrella group of "all bird photographers" on iNaturalist in Europe increases or decreases between 2010 to 2022. Given the increasing population of Milvus milvus, we would expect that chi also increases, as it is more likeley that bird photographers can take photographs of the Red Kite.
Rapacciuolo, G., Young, A., & Johnson, R. (2021). Deriving indicators of biodiversity change from unstructured community‐contributed data. Oikos, 130(8), 1225–1239. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.08215
For selection of the generic query, we used the emoji-taxa mappings that I made available for lbsn.vgiscience.org:
The SQL syntax:
FROM topical.post t1
WHERE t1.origin_id = 23 and '🐦'=ANY(emoji);
This selected 9,147,013 bird photographs from a total number of 53,155,437 nature and plant observations on iNaturalist (2010-2022).
This dataset is filtered here based on space, used in the chi equation which is then visualized as a bar plot.
OUTPUT = Path.cwd().parents[0] / "out" # output directory for figures (etc.)
WORK_DIR = Path.cwd().parents[0] / "tmp" # Working directory
(OUTPUT / "figures").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
(OUTPUT / "svg").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
Select M
for monthly aggregation, Y
for yearly aggregation
First, define whether to study usercount or postcount
# METRIC = 'user'
METRIC = 'post'
metric_col = 'post_hll'
if METRIC == 'user':
metric_col = 'user_hll'
Set global font
plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'serif'
plt.rcParams['font.serif'] = ['Times New Roman'] + plt.rcParams['font.serif']
Set global color
color_flickr = '#F89F5E'
color_inaturalist = '#ED6F53'
Load HLL aggregate data¶
Load the data from CSV, generated in the previous notebook. Data is stored as aggregate HLL data (postcount, usercount) for each month.
data_files = {
Connect hll worker db¶
For calculating with HLL data, we are using an empty Postgres database with the Citus HLL extension installed. Specifically, we are using pg-hll-empty here, a Docker-postgres container that is prepared for HLL calculation. You can use any Postgres from anywhere, as long as it has the citus hll extension installed.
If you haven't, startup the container locally next to Carto-Lab Docker now:
cd pg-hll-empty
docker compose up -d
DB_USER = "hlluser"
# set connection variables
DB_HOST = ""
DB_PORT = "5452"
DB_NAME = "hllworkerdb"
Connect to empty Postgres database running HLL Extension:
DB_CONN = psycopg2.connect(
port=DB_PORT ,
DB_CALC = tools.DbConn(
CUR_HLL = DB_CONN.cursor()
Calculate HLL Cardinality per month and year¶
Define additional functions for reading and formatting CSV as pd.DataFrame
from datetime import datetime
def read_csv_datetime(csv: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Read CSV with parsing datetime index (months)
First CSV column: Year
Second CSV column: Month
date_cols = ["year", "month"]
df = pd.read_csv(
csv, index_col='datetime',
date_format='%Y %m',
df.drop(columns=date_cols, inplace=True)
return df
def append_cardinality_df(df: pd.DataFrame, hll_col: str = "post_hll", cardinality_col: str = 'postcount_est'):
"""Calculate cardinality from HLL and append to extra column in df"""
df[cardinality_col] = df.apply(
lambda x: hll.cardinality_hll(
x[hll_col], CUR_HLL),
df.drop(columns=[hll_col], inplace=True)
return df
def filter_fill_time(
df: pd.DataFrame, min_year: int,
max_year: int, val_col: str = "postcount_est",
min_month: str = "01", max_month: str = "01", agg_base: str = None,
agg_method = None):
"""Filter time values between min - max year and fill missing values"""
max_day = "01"
if agg_base is None:
agg_base = "M"
elif agg_base == "Y":
max_month = "12"
max_day = "31"
min_date = pd.Timestamp(f'{min_year}-{min_month}-01')
max_date = pd.Timestamp(f'{max_year}-{max_month}-{max_day}')
# clip by start and end date
if not min_date in df.index:
df.loc[min_date, val_col] = 0
if not max_date in df.index:
df.loc[max_date, val_col] = 0
# mask min and max time
time_mask = ((df.index >= min_date) & (df.index <= max_date))
resampled = df.loc[time_mask][val_col].resample(agg_base)
if agg_method is None:
series = resampled.sum()
elif agg_method == "count":
series = resampled.count()
elif agg_method == "nunique":
series = resampled.nunique()
# fill missing months with 0
# this will also set the day to max of month
return series.fillna(0).to_frame()
Select dataset to process below
Apply functions to all data sets.
- Read from CSV
- calculate cardinality
- merge year and month to single column
- filter 2007 - 2018 range, fill missing values
def process_dataset(
dataset: Path = None, metric: str = None, df_post: pd.DataFrame = None,
min_year: int = None, max_year: int = None, agg_base: str = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Apply temporal filter/pre-processing to all data sets."""
if metric is None:
metric = 'post_hll'
warn(f"Using default value {metric}")
if metric == 'post_hll':
cardinality_col = 'postcount_est'
cardinality_col = 'usercount_est'
if min_year is None:
min_year = 2007
if max_year is None:
max_year = 2022
if df_post is None:
df_post = read_csv_datetime(dataset)
df_post = append_cardinality_df(df_post, metric, cardinality_col)
return filter_fill_time(df_post, min_year, max_year, cardinality_col, agg_base=agg_base)
df_post = process_dataset(INATURALIST_ALL_AVES_MILVUSRANGE, agg_base=AGG_BASE, metric='post_hll')
df_user = process_dataset(INATURALIST_ALL_AVES_MILVUSRANGE, metric=metric_col, agg_base=AGG_BASE)
Visualize Cardinality¶
Define plot function.
def bar_plot_time(
df: pd.DataFrame, ax: Axes, color: str,
label: str, val_col: str = "postcount_est") -> Axes:
"""Matplotlib Barplot with time axis formatting
If "significant" in df columns, applies different colors to fill/edge
of non-significant values.
if color is None:
# colors = sns.color_palette("vlag", as_cmap=True, n_colors=2)
# color_rgba = colors([1.0])[0]
# color = mcolor.rgb2hex((color_rgba), keep_alpha=True)
color = color_inaturalist
color_significant = color
color_significant_edge = "white"
if "significant" in df.columns:
colors_bar = {True: color, False: "white"}
color_significant = df['significant'].replace(colors_bar)
colors_edge = {True: "white", False: "black"}
color_significant_edge = df['significant'].replace(colors_edge)
ax = df.set_index(
df.index.map(lambda s: s.strftime('%Y'))).plot.bar(
ax=ax, y=val_col, color=color_significant, width=1.0,
label=label, edgecolor=color_significant_edge, linewidth=0.5, alpha=1.0)
return ax
def replace_hyphen(x):
"""Change hyphen (-) into a minus sign (−, “U+2212”) python
according to editor request
return x.replace('-','−')
def major_formatter(x, pos):
"""Limit thousands separator (comma) to five or more digits
according ton editor request
s = format(x, '.0f')
if len(s) <= 4:
return replace_hyphen(s)
return replace_hyphen(format(x, ',.0f'))
def plot_time(
df: Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame], title, color = None, filename = None,
output = OUTPUT, legend: str = "Postcount", val_col: str = None,
trend: bool = None, seasonal: bool = None, residual: bool = None,
agg_base: str = None):
"""Create dataframe(s) time plot"""
x_ticks_every = 12
fig_x = 15.7
fig_y = 4.27
font_mod = False
x_label = "Month"
linewidth = 3
if agg_base and agg_base == "Y":
x_ticks_every = 1
fig_x = 3
fig_y = 1.5
font_mod = True
x_label = "Year"
linewidth = 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(fig_x, fig_y)
ylabel = f'{legend}'
if val_col is None:
val_col = f'{legend.lower()}_est'
ax = bar_plot_time(
df=df, ax=ax, color=color, val_col=val_col, label=legend)
# x axis ticker formatting
tick_loc = mticker.MultipleLocator(x_ticks_every)
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45, length=0)
ax.set(xlabel=x_label, ylabel=ylabel)
# remove legend
if font_mod:
for item in (
[ax.xaxis.label, ax.title, ax.yaxis.label] +
ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):
if any([trend, seasonal, residual]):
# seasonal decompose
decomposition = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(
df[val_col], model='additive')
# plot trend part only
if trend:
plt.plot(list(decomposition.trend), color='black',
label="Trend", linewidth=linewidth, alpha=0.8)
if seasonal:
plt.plot(list(decomposition.seasonal), color='black', linestyle='dotted',
label="Seasonal", linewidth=1, alpha=0.8)
if residual:
plt.plot(list(decomposition.resid), color='black', linestyle='dashed',
label="Residual", linewidth=1, alpha=0.8)
# trend.plot(ax=ax)
# store figure to file
if filename:
output / "figures" / f"{filename}.png", dpi=300, format='PNG',
bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=1, facecolor="white")
# also save as svg
output / "svg" / f"{filename}.svg", format='svg',
bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=1, facecolor="white")
def load_and_plot(
dataset: Path = None, metric: str = None, src_ref: str = "flickr", colors: cm.colors.ListedColormap = None,
agg_base: str = None, trend: bool = None, return_df: bool = None, df_post: pd.DataFrame = None,):
"""Load data and plot"""
if metric is None:
metric = 'post_hll'
if metric == 'post_hll':
metric_label = 'postcount'
metric_label = 'usercount'
if colors is None:
# colors = sns.color_palette("vlag", as_cmap=True, n_colors=2)
# colors = colors([1.0])
colors = color_inaturalist
df = process_dataset(dataset, metric=metric, agg_base=agg_base, df_post=df_post)
df, legend=metric_label.capitalize(), color=colors,
title=f'{src_ref.capitalize().replace(" ", "_")} {metric_label} over time',
filename=f"temporal_{metric_label}_{src_ref}_absolute", trend=trend, agg_base=agg_base)
if return_df:
return df
colors = sns.color_palette("vlag", as_cmap=True, n_colors=2)
load_and_plot(INATURALIST_ALL_AVES_MILVUSRANGE, src_ref=f"iNaturalist Aves + Milvus milvus range", agg_base=AGG_BASE, trend=False, metric=metric_col)
Plot iNaturalist Milvus range
load_and_plot(INATURALIST_ALL_MILVUSRANGE, src_ref=f"iNaturalist All + Milvus milvus range", agg_base=AGG_BASE, trend=False, metric=metric_col)
Repeat for all iNaturalist data
load_and_plot(INATURALIST_ALL, src_ref=f"inaturalist_{AGG_BASE}", agg_base=AGG_BASE, trend=False)
load_and_plot(INATURALIST_ALL, src_ref=f"inaturalist_{AGG_BASE}", metric="user_hll", colors=colors([0.0]), agg_base=AGG_BASE, trend=False)
Calculate the Chi-value¶
Prepare Chi¶
This is adapted from notebook three of the original publication.
First, define the input parameter:
- dof: degrees of freedom (dof) is calculated: (variables - 1) with the variables being: observed posts, expected posts
- chi_crit_val: given a dof value of 1 and a confidence interval of 0.05, the critical value to accept or neglect the h0 is 3.84
- chi_column: we'll do the chi calculation based on the usercount-column, but this notebook can be run for postcount or userdays, too.
DOF = 1
CHI_COLUMN: str = f"{METRIC}count_est"
def calc_norm(
df_expected: pd.DataFrame,
df_observed: pd.DataFrame,
chi_column: str = CHI_COLUMN):
"""Fetch the number of data points for the observed and
expected dataset by the relevant column
and calculate the normalisation value
v_expected = df_expected[chi_column].sum()
v_observed = df_observed[chi_column].sum()
norm_val = (v_expected / v_observed)
return norm_val
def chi_calc(x_observed: float, x_expected: float, x_normalized: float) -> pd.Series:
"""Apply chi calculation based on observed (normalized) and expected value"""
value_observed_normalised = x_observed * x_normalized
a = value_observed_normalised - x_expected
b = math.sqrt(x_expected)
# native division with division by zero protection
chi_value = a / b if b else 0
return chi_value
def apply_chi_calc(
df: pd.DataFrame, norm_val: float,
chi_column: str = CHI_COLUMN, chi_crit_val: float = CHI_CRIT_VAL):
"""Calculate chi-values based on two GeoDataFrames (expected and observed values)
and return new grid with results"""
# lambda: apply function chi_calc() to each item
df['chi_value'] = df.apply(
lambda x: chi_calc(
# add significant column, default False
df['significant'] = False
# calculate significance for both negative and positive chi_values
df.loc[np.abs(df['chi_value'])>chi_crit_val, 'significant'] = True
src = Path.cwd().parents[0] / "00_data" / "milvus" / "observations-350501.csv"
load_inat_kwargs = {
"usecols":["id", "observed_on", "user_id"]
df = pd.read_csv(**load_inat_kwargs)
df.drop(columns=['observed_on'], inplace=True)
val_col = "id"
agg_method = "count"
if METRIC == "user":
val_col = "user_id"
agg_method = "nunique"
df_milvus = filter_fill_time(
df, 2007, 2022, val_col=val_col, agg_base=AGG_BASE, agg_method=agg_method)
df_milvus.rename(columns={val_col: metric_label}, inplace=True)
src_ref="iNaturalist Milvus milvus"
df_milvus, legend=metric_label.capitalize(),
title=f'{src_ref.capitalize()} {metric_label} over time\n worldwide', val_col=metric_label,
filename=f"temporal_iNaturalist_milvusmilvus_absolute", trend=False, agg_base=AGG_BASE)
Limit to Milvus milvus range¶
CRS_WGS = "epsg:4326" # WGS1984
CRS_PROJ = "esri:54009" # Mollweide
load_inat_kwargs["usecols"] = ["id", "user_id", "observed_on", "longitude", "latitude"]
df = pd.read_csv(**load_inat_kwargs)
load_inat_kwargs['usecols'] = None
df.dropna(subset=['longitude', 'latitude'], inplace=True)
Intersect with the spatial range that is available as kml from iNaturalist.
import geopandas as gp
milvus_range = gp.read_file(
OUTPUT/ 'Milvusmilvus_range.gpkg', layer='Milvus milvus')
gdf = gp.GeoDataFrame(
df, geometry=gp.points_from_xy(df.longitude, df.latitude), crs=CRS_WGS)
Intersect, keep only observations within range.
gdf_overlay = gp.overlay(
gdf, milvus_range,
ax = gdf_overlay.plot(markersize=.1)
Calculate chi
gdf_overlay['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(gdf_overlay["observed_on"], format=load_inat_kwargs.get("date_format"))
gdf_overlay.set_index('datetime', inplace=True)
gdf_cleaned = tools.drop_cols_except(gdf_overlay, [val_col], inplace=False)
df_milvus_range = filter_fill_time(
gdf_cleaned, 2007, 2022, val_col=val_col, agg_base=AGG_BASE, agg_method=agg_method)
df_milvus_range.rename(columns={val_col: metric_label}, inplace=True)
src_ref="iNaturalist Milvus milvus"
Conclusion: Majority of observations is within the spatial range kml (16k total vs 15k in spatial range)
df_milvus_range, legend=metric_label.capitalize(),
title=f'{src_ref.capitalize()} {metric_label} over time\n in Europe', val_col=metric_label,
filename=f"temporal_iNaturalist_milvusmilvus_absolute", trend=False, agg_base=AGG_BASE)
Calculate chi: Proportion to all iNaturalist photographs¶
First: Calculate chi based on all iNaturalist observations within Europe
df_expected = load_and_plot(
agg_base=AGG_BASE, trend=False, return_df=True, metric=metric_col)
norm_val = calc_norm(
df_expected.rename(columns={f'{METRIC}count_est':metric_label}, inplace=False),
df_milvus_range, chi_column = metric_label)
df_expected.rename(columns={f'{METRIC}count_est':f'{metric_label}_expected'}, inplace=True)
merge_cols = [f'{METRIC}count_est']
df_expected_observed_inat = df_expected.merge(
left_index=True, right_index=True)
norm_val=norm_val, chi_column=metric_label)
df_expected_observed_inat, legend="Signed Chi", val_col="chi_value",
title=f'Chi for Red kite {metric_label} proportional to \nall iNaturalist {metric_label} in Europe over time',
filename=f"temporal_chi_inaturalist_{metric_label}_milvus_{AGG_BASE}_{metric_label}", trend=False,
seasonal=False, residual=False, agg_base=AGG_BASE)
We can observe a proportional increase of Red kite observations between 2012 and 2019.
Calculate chi: Proportion of Milvus milvus vs. "Aves" tax class observations¶
df_expected = load_and_plot(
INATURALIST_ALL_AVES_MILVUSRANGE, src_ref=f"inaturalist_{AGG_BASE}_{metric_label}",
agg_base=AGG_BASE, trend=False, return_df=True, metric=metric_col)
norm_val = calc_norm(
df_expected.rename(columns={f'{METRIC}count_est':metric_label}, inplace=False),
df_milvus_range, chi_column = metric_label)
df_expected.rename(columns={f'{METRIC}count_est':f'{metric_label}_expected'}, inplace=True)
merge_cols = [f'{METRIC}count_est']
df_expected_observed_inat = df_expected.merge(
left_index=True, right_index=True)
norm_val=norm_val, chi_column=metric_label)
df_expected_observed_inat, legend="Signed Chi", val_col="chi_value",
title=f'Chi for Red kite {metric_label} proportional to \nall bird {metric_label} in Europe over time',
filename=f"temporal_chi_inaturalist_{metric_label}_milvus_aves_{AGG_BASE}", trend=False,
seasonal=False, residual=False, agg_base=AGG_BASE)
Proportion of "Aves" tax class observations vs. all iNaturalist observations¶
- both queries limited to Milvus milvus range in Europe
Expected: All iNaturalist¶
- limited to Europe
df_expected = load_and_plot(
INATURALIST_ALL_MILVUSRANGE, src_ref=f"inaturalist_{AGG_BASE}_{metric_label}",
agg_base=AGG_BASE, trend=False, return_df=True, metric=metric_col)
Observed: All Aves tax class observations¶
- limited to Europe
df_observed = load_and_plot(
INATURALIST_ALL_AVES_MILVUSRANGE, src_ref=f"inaturalist_{AGG_BASE}_{metric_label}",
agg_base=AGG_BASE, trend=False, return_df=True, metric=metric_col)
norm_val = calc_norm(
df_expected.rename(columns={f'{METRIC}count_est':metric_label}), df_observed.rename(columns={f'{METRIC}count_est':metric_label}), chi_column = metric_label)
df_expected.rename(columns={f'{METRIC}count_est':f'{metric_label}_expected'}, inplace=True)
df_observed.rename(columns={f'{METRIC}count_est':metric_label}, inplace=True)
merge_cols = [f'{METRIC}count_est']
df_expected_observed_inat = df_expected.merge(
left_index=True, right_index=True)
norm_val=norm_val, chi_column=metric_label)
df_expected_observed_inat, legend="Signed Chi", val_col="chi_value",
title=f'Chi for all bird {metric_label} proportional to \nall iNaturalist {metric_label} in Europe over time',
filename=f"temporal_chi_inaturalist_{metric_label}_milvus_{AGG_BASE}", trend=False,
seasonal=False, residual=False, agg_base=AGG_BASE)
Interestingly, there was also proportional peak of Aves observations on iNaturalist between 2024 and 2019. This suggests that the Red Kite peak was indeed part of a larger peak of bird observations on iNaturalist in these years.
Create Release File¶
Create a release file that contains ipynb notebooks, HTML, figures, svg and python converted files.
Make sure that 7z is available (apt-get install p7zip-full
!cd .. && git config --system --add safe.directory '*' \
&& RELEASE_VERSION=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) \
&& 7z a -tzip -mx=9 out/release_$RELEASE_VERSION.zip \
md/* py/* out/*.csv resources/* out/svg/* \
out/figures/* notebooks/*.ipynb \
CHANGELOG.md README.md jupytext.toml nbconvert.tpl conf.json pyproject.toml \
-x!py/__pycache__ -x!py/modules/__pycache__ -x!py/modules/.ipynb_checkpoints \
-y > /dev/null
!RELEASE_VERSION=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) && ls -alh ../out/release_$RELEASE_VERSION.zip
Create notebook HTML¶
!jupyter nbconvert --to html_toc \
--output-dir=../resources/html/ ./10_milvus_chi.ipynb \
--template=../nbconvert.tpl \
--ExtractOutputPreprocessor.enabled=False >&- 2>&-