version pipeline

Assessing perceived landscape change from opportunistic spatio-temporal occurrence data

Example image

Supplementary Materials for publication:

Dunkel, A., Burghardt, D. (2024). Assessing Perceived Landscape Change from Opportunistic Spatiotemporal Occurrence Data. Special issue: Exploring Multisensory Landscapes: 2023 Visual Resource Stewardship Conference, Land 2024, 13, 1091. DOI: 10.3390/land13071091

The notebooks are stored as markdown files with jupytext for better git compatibility.

These notebooks can be run with jupyterlab-docker.

  • HTML conversions of notebooks figures are available in the resources folder.
  • Notebooks (ipynb) can be found in the notebooks folder.
  • Input data can be found in the data folder.

The input data was stored as probabilistic HyperLogLog data. The data format does not require working and keeping sensitive original raw. See publication:

Dunkel, A., Löchner, M., & Burghardt, D. (2020). Privacy-Aware Visualization of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) to Analyze Spatial Activity: A Benchmark Implementation. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(10), 607.


S1 Jupyter Notebook: 01_mass_invasion.html
S2 Jupyter Notebook: 02_reddit_api.html
S3 Jupyter Notebook: 03_reddit_pmaw.html
S4 Jupyter Notebook: 04_reddit_privacy.html
S5 Jupyter Notebook: 05_reddit_vis.html
S6 Jupyter Notebook: 06_cherry_blossoms.html
S7 Jupyter Notebook: 07_hotspots.html
S8 Jupyter Notebook: 08_milvus_conversion.html
S9 Jupyter Notebook: 09_milvus_maps.html
S10 Jupyter Notebook: 10_milvus_chi.html
S11 Jupyter Notebook: 11_graphical_abstract


The following data are available in a separate data publication:

Dunkel, A., Burghardt (2024). Supplementary materials for the publication "Assessing perceived landscape change from opportunistic spatio-temporal occurrence data". Opara digital research archive. DOI: 10.25532/OPARA-572

Filename Case Study Description Size
massinvasions_all_months.csv 1 Post Frequences (HLL) for 13 Vantage Points in Europe from Instagram 1.08 MB
reddit_all_months.csv 2 Post Frequences (HLL) for 20 National Parks from Reddit Subreddits 429 KB
reddit_comments_all_months.csv 2 Comment Frequences (HLL) for 20 National Parks from Reddit Subreddits 1.2 MB
flickr_cherries_hll.csv 3 Observed Frequencies (HLL) Users/Posts for Flickr Cherry Blossoming a 181 KB
hotspot_all_months.csv 4 Observed Frequencies Biodiversity Hotspots (HLL) 8.81 MB
flickr_all_months.csv 5 Expected Frequencies (HLL) for Flickr Post and User Counts 941 KB
inaturalist_all_months.csv 5 Expected Frequencies (HLL) for iNaturalist Post and User Counts 990 KB
flickr_milvusmilvus_months.csv 5 Observed Frequencies (HLL) for iNaturalist Milvus Post and User Counts 119 KB
milvus_focus_flickr_inat_all_months.csv 5 Observed Frequencies (HLL) Focus Region, iNaturalist and Flickr 1.01 MB
milvus_range_inat_all_months.csv 5 Observed Frequencies (HLL) Milvus range, iNaturalist and Flickr 1.24 MB
inaturalist_birds_month.csv 5 Expected/Observed Frequencies (HLL) Aves-Group, iNaturalist 550 KB


To manually bump a version:

semantic-release publish

To create ipynb files from Markdown:

conda activate jupyter_env
cd /home/jovyan/work/my_project_folder
jupytext --sync md/*.md

This will create notebooks that can be opened in JupyterLab in the subfolder notebooks/.

IOER RDC Jupyter Base Template v0.10.0